Electric Ride Nerd

General question: Can you ride electric scooter in snow?

Winter is coming and we are preparing to stop riding our electric scooters. Wrong!

In this short article, we will explain why, when, and who should stop riding in the snow.

Can you ride electric scooter in snow? Let’s find out.

Can you ride an electric scooter in the snow?

The short answer is yes and no. I know, not an answer. Let’s dive deeper.

If your electric scooter is IP-rated then it’s perfectly fine to ride it in snow. If not we hardly recommend not riding it in snow.

To learn if your electric scooter is IP rated just read a manual. Heh, most of you probably threw it away.

Simply put the name of your electric scooter in Google with the suffix IP rating. Example: “Unagi Model One IP rating”.

Should you ride an electric scooter in snow?

Are electric scooters waterproof? If an electric scooter has an IP rating over IPX4 then it’s safe to ride it in snow. But for IPX4 is recommended to remove snow from the electric scooter as soon as possible and never leave it covered in snow.

scooter in snow

What electric scooters are waterproof?

Which electric scooters are waterproof? There are several waterproof electric scooters. Some of them are :

What should I look for when buying a waterproof electric scooter?

Make sure you are looking for an IP rating over IPX4, look for electric scooter snow tires that fit your model. That is about it.

With these two pieces of information, you should be able to pick the perfect electric scooter for snow rides.

Make sure to maintain your scooter during wintertime even more than during the rest of the season.

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