Electric Ride Nerd

Meepo mini 2 review (2022) | Is it worth 659USD?

Meepo Mini 2 Overview

The Meepo Mini 2 comes in two versions, one with Bluetooth and one without Bluetooth. The Bluetooth version allows you to control the board by your smartphone or tablet. You can use an app called “Meepo Remote” which will allow you to control your speed, acceleration, braking and even perform tricks like drifts and bunny hops!

The Meepo Mini 2 is a budget electric skateboard that packs a lot of punch for the price. It’s no surprise that Meepo electric skateboards are massively popular, but how does this one stack up? Let’s get into it!

Meepo mini 2 review

If you are looking for a smaller electric skateboard, the Meepo Mini 2 may be perfect for you. The top speed of 22 mph is still quite fast and can be a lot of fun. This board has been well-reviewed by riders and buyers alike. Let’s take a look at some of its features:

  • Made with 7 layers of Canadian maple wood to give it strength
  • Has an 18650 battery inside which provides up to 16 miles on one charge!
  • Remote control can be used as an extended range remote or connected via bluetooth (both ways work great)

The remote control comes with two buttons that can be programmed with different functions depending on what mode they are in (i.e., beginner mode will have more basic functions while expert mode gives access to all advanced settings). It also has an LCD screen that shows useful information such as distance traveled, speed limit, gear selection and more!

Design and Build Quality

The Meepo Mini 2 is a great-looking board. The deck is made of bamboo, and it has large wheels that are grippy. The wheels are also motorized, so they’ll turn on when you push and turn off automatically when you stop pushing. These motors are hub motors which means the wheel itself spins around an axle in the center rather than being attached to spokes like traditional skateboards.

The remote is simply designed with just two buttons—the power button and a mode switch that lets you choose between four different drive modes (more on those later). It’s easy to use, but I wish there was a third button so I could switch between my preferred riding modes without having to cycle through them over again each time I wanted to change modes after starting up the board for another ride.

Meepo mini 2 specs

top speed: 29mph
range: 11/20 miles
weight: 16 lbs/ 7.27 kg
max rider weight: 330 lbs/ 150kg

meepo 2 mini battery

Meepo mini 2 Battery Life

The Meepo mini 2 can last you anywhere from 3 to 7 hours depending on how hard you push it, but the average is around 4-5 hours. However, there are many factors that affect this number such as terrain and temperature, so it’s important to understand what you’re getting into before making a purchase.

Battery life isn’t something that can be measured in miles if you’re looking for an exact answer as every user will have different needs and expectations for their electric skateboard. The best way to think about battery life is by thinking about how much power your board uses per mile traveled or per hour used. For instance, if your board has 50% more wattage than another board then technically speaking it should last longer because its performance would be the same but it would use less energy overall (assuming all other things were equal).

This means if we look at two boards with identical motors but one has twice as many batteries we could expect them both to run out of juice at exactly the same time! This also means that when comparing two products with different sizes/speeds/power outputs they will give almost identical results when running at full speed due on average usage patterns being similar between users unless there’s some form of external interference causing issues like bad weather conditions which may cause problems even under normal operating conditions.

Meepo mini 2 price

The Meepo Mini 2 has been priced at $659 and that’s for the base model. You can order it from different warehouses: Australia, China, California or Germany. Check amazon prices here.

Meepo mini 2 Range, speed and hill climbing

The Meepo Mini 2 has a reported range of 15-25 miles on a single charge. The speed is 20 mph, which will get you where you need to go in no time. And the hill climbing ability is impressive for its size at a max incline of 17%.

Meepo mini 2 weight

The weight of Meepo Mini 2 is 6.3 pounds, which is heavier than the other electric skateboards in its category but still lighter than some other boards (like the Meepo Pro). That’s not surprising considering that they have more powerful motors and batteries.

You can check out our review of the Meepo Mini 1, where we talk about its weight being 5.5lbs and compare it with other boards.

Remote control

The remote control is a standard 2.4 GHz remote which can be used to control up to ten Meepo Mini 2 devices at one time. The Meepo Mini 1 uses a similar remote, but it’s larger in size and heavier in weight with a less “sturdy” feel to it.

The Meepo mini 2 comes packaged with the same type of remote as its predecessor which has been designed for quick access by your thumbs while holding your phone or tablet in one hand. The buttons on this remote are quite large and well spaced apart, making them easy to find using touch alone (no sight needed).

meepo mini 2 electric skateboard

The Meepo Mini 2 electric skateboard is amazing for the price and build quality!

The Meepo Mini 2 is a great electric skateboard, especially for the price and build quality. It has a great range, speed and stability and it’s lightweight and easy to carry around. The battery life is also pretty good! For those interested in buying their first electric skateboard or upgrading from an older model, I highly recommend checking out the Meepo Mini 2!

How does it ride?

The Meepo Mini 2 is a fast and stable skateboard. It has a lot of torque, making it easy to start riding even in the rain. The regenerative braking works well too, which means that you can use it to help slow down on hills or when coming off the throttle at speed.

It’s also easy to control thanks to its remote control system.

Should you buy it?

If you are looking for an electric skateboard that is great for beginners and intermediate riders, the Meepo Mini 2 is a great choice. It’s also a good option for advanced riders who want to have fun with their friends or family. The Meepo Mini 2 won’t disappoint anyone looking for an electric skateboard that performs well on every terrain, and it comes at a reasonable price compared to other quality electric skateboards on the market today.


Lastly, I’d like to say that if you can afford the Meepo Mini 2, then it’s the best electric skateboard for the price. The build quality is great and the remote control makes it so much easier than other boards. You’re getting a lot of bang for your buck with this board!

Thank you for reading to the end, if you are interested you can read the rest of our reviews here.

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