Electric Ride Nerd

Swagtron swagskate NG3 electric skateboard | Will my kids like it?


The Swagtron swagskate NG3 electric skateboard is excellent for kids of all ages and sizes.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or an experienced rider looking for something fun, this board is ideal as a starter electric skateboard for kids, even lighter adults.

Performance of Swagtron Swagskate NG3 kids’ electric skateboard

The Swagtron Swagskate ng3 kids’ electric skateboard has a top speed of 9.3 MPH (15 km/h) and a range of 4-6 mi (7-10 km).

The maximum weight limit is 150 lb. (68 kg). The charging time is 1.5 hours, and the motor has a 100W output rating.

Its additional features are kick-to-cruise, LED rear indicators, a dual braking system with regenerative capability, and anti-slip grip tape for extra control during rides.


The Swagtron Swagskate NG3 is a low-profile, easy-to-maneuver skateboard that will help you feel like you’re riding on the streets of Cali. The fluid, natural steering and smooth ride make it easier to learn for the kids or beginners.

The board’s unique design reduces drag and makes it easy to maneuver around objects in your path. The authentic feel of skateboarding will take your rides to epic new heights.

Electric Ride Nerd - Swagtron swagskate NG3 electric skateboard | Will my kids like it?

Move more, kick less.

The Swagtron Swagskate NG3 electric skateboard is simple to navigate, thanks to its intelligent sensors that do most of the heavy lifting.

The smart sensors detect when you’re on the board, while the second set detects when you’re in motion.

As you ride, Swagskates’ unique Move-More technology locks in your current speed, up to 9.3 mph—no remote needed.

-This makes it easy for anyone to easily maneuver around city streets or busy sidewalks.

Powerfully responsive sensors

Swagtron’s Swagskate NG3 is powered by a 100-watt motor that delivers dynamic performance.

It has a top speed of 9.3 miles per hour, which means you can cruise around town or even go for a highway ride without worrying about getting in trouble with the law.

The Swagskate’s sensors detect when it is being used and automatically engage the motors so that riders don’t have to do anything but get on and go.

Step off your board when you’re finished riding, and the motors will shut down automatically after detecting that no one is using them anymore (the sensors are located on the front).

Real feel skateboarding

The Swagtron Swagskate electric skateboard features Real Feel Skateboarding, which delivers a realistic kick-response. You will feel like you are on an actual skateboard, with an authentic feel and sound.

The board’s skateboard-style geometry makes it the perfect ride for beginners looking to learn how to ride without fear of falling over. It has a sturdy deck made of dens Polypropylene, so it won’t break easily when you crash into things.

The wheels are made from polyurethane rubber, so they won’t fall off when you go fast or hit bumps in your path.

The trucks offer proper stability for beginner skaters who might need help staying upright at first (these can be adjusted if necessary).

The deck comes with grip tape already applied for better traction on smooth surfaces such as hardwood floors or tiles.

However, if you plan on riding outdoors often, consider applying additional grip tape yourself so that your feet don’t slip when moving around quickly or performing tricks.

These features also make this product ideal for teens who love skating but aren’t ready yet – especially since this model comes pre-assembled right out of its box.

Although not meant primarily as an adult toy per se (it’s simply too small), adults may still enjoy using one too sometimes because there aren’t many other options now featuring similar functionality without being too expensive.

Electric Ride Nerd - Swagtron swagskate NG3 electric skateboard | Will my kids like it?

Made for epic rides

The Swagtron Swagskate NG-3 is designed for kids and youths. It’s easy to ride and maneuver, can reach speeds of up to 9.3 mph, and from its first ride to its 1000Th, the NG-3 will look and perform pristinely.

Its 9-Inch expansive deck is crafted from super-dense Polypropylene that won’t wear, fade or crack. The board is ultra-lightweight, so it feels like you’re not even on a skateboard.

The Swagtron Swagskate NG-3 also has an adjustable handlebar with a padded grip for maximum comfort while riding around town with your friends on this fun new gadget!

World-class support

Swagtron’s support team is available to answer your questions around the clock. Regardless of the time of day, assistance, their expert support specialists are ready to help.

In most scenarios they answer inquiries within one business day, so if you have any issues or concerns with your Swagtron product, reach out via phone, email or chat online with support team at any time of day and they will be happy to assist you.

The relationship doesn’t end after you receive your NG3 e-cruiser mini-board. They are also here for you when it comes time for setup and maintenance.


  • Fast charging of 1.5-hour charge time
  • Dual-hub motors: Each motor is placed on each wheel, providing a smooth ride and ensuring stability at high speeds.

-This design provides more power for an easy ride, even on rough terrain. The swagskate NG3 can reach speeds of up to 10 mph with its dual hub motors.

  • Low-profile design: At only 8.9 inches expansive deck, this electric skateboard is compact enough to take anywhere you go.

It also features an ergonomic handlebar design that allows riders to steer easily while riding down hills or curbs without losing their balance or control over the board.

  • Easy maneuverability: With its low profile design and small deck size (20” x 8”), this electric skateboard is extremely easy to manage when riding around different areas without losing footing.

Whether going uphill or downhill, this electric skateboard has been designed with stability so that even beginners can enjoy using it without worrying about falling off.


There are a few things to remember before buying this skateboard. If your child is not an experienced rider, it might be difficult for them to ride and control the Swagtron Swagskate NG3 at first.

There is no manual speed control on this skateboard, so once it starts moving, there is no way of slowing down or stopping unless you jump off it, or use slowing down techniques.

However, if your child has ridden other boards before and knows how to balance themselves properly, they can go for it.

Keep kids active and engaged with this Swagtron Swagskate NG3 electric skateboard.

The Swagtron Swagskate NG3 electric skateboard keeps kids active and engaged. This safe, durable electric skateboard is easy to use, fun for kids of all ages, and helps develop motor skills.


Overall, the Swagtron Swagskate NG3 is a solid skateboard that will keep kids active and engaged.

It has good performance and design features to keep kids entertained for hours on end. 

For more eSkateboards reviews go here.

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